February 21, 2009

FORMAT_VideoInfo v.s. FORMAT_VideoInfo2

If the media type is FORMAT_VideoInfo, it means the format buffer is a VIDEOINFOHEADER struct; if the media type is FORMAT_VideoInfo2, it means the format buffer is a VIDEOINFOHEADER2 struct. So, what's different between VIDEOINFOHEADER and VIDEOINFOHEADER2?

VIDEOINFOHEADER and VIDEOINFOHEADER2 are very different, VIDEOINFOHEADER2 is not just an entended struct of VIDEOINFOHEADER. This means you cannot cast a pointer of VIDEOINFOHEADER2 to a pointer of VIDEOINFOHEADER.


if(pmt->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo || pmt->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo2)
    // *** Wrong! ***


if(pmt->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo)
    // Now you can use pVIH.
else if(pmt->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo2)
    // Now you can use pVIH.

Reference in MSDN: